
CEPA Survey on Hong Kong Logistics Companies

         Institute of Supply Chain Management has conducted a survey to 510 logistics companies under the CEPA services directory of Hong Kong Productivity Council concerning their interest to the CEPA policy in March 2005. 84 companies responded to the survey and out of that 30 companies have applied for the “Certificate of Hong Kong Service Supplier” under CEPA. For the balance 54 companies 50 has shown interest in application and only 4 is not interested at all.

        There is also no direct relationship between the interest and the size of the companies. For the 30 companies that has applied for the Certificate, 22 make use of their existing company and form a wholly owned operation and 8 companies starts up their operations under a new name.

        The conclusion is clear that all 95% of the logistics companies are greatly interested and 37% them have actually make the move. They feel that they would be lagging behind if they do not make such move. For those lagging behind are companies that are more cautious. However, that is likely that they would make the move one day.

        With CEPA policy they would no longer need to rely heavily on their partners or ‘borrow’ license from China logistics companies. They can do that themselves, and retain goodwill for future development. This is no surprise that the survey points out  this result.


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