
Supply Chain Conference in Shenzhen and Foshan

         Dear members of Institute of Supply Chain Management Ltd

We are invited to be the guest speaker for 2 big conferences, first one
on 19-20/6 in Shenzhen 金碧酒店 and the 2nd one 28-30 June in Foshan.

The first one may be more convinient for you but the 2nd one would be
regional and have golf entertainment also.

Normally for the first event we need to pay $1200 and for the 2nd 3
days event $2800.
Since we have a few VIP tickets as speakers the first 3 members that
reserve their seats by posting a cheque of $600 for Shenzhen event and
$1000 for 2nd event(refund when they show up) to ISCM office.

First come first serve.

 Enclose the details information for your reference: Download