
Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM)

Chinese University Course Code : 071-189210-01

Programme supported by Radica and Institute of Supply Chain Management

This course provides attendees with perspective and technical knowledge
base necessary for understanding, planning and implementing CRM
initiatives in their respective organisations. At the end of this course
attendees will gain comprehensive knowledge of customer relationship
management, the different core concepts that are fundamental to CRM, the
various technology application that facilitate CRM initiatives and managing
the CRM project from concept to implementation.
Course Content

(1) Overview of CRM
(2) Developing a Customer Strategy
(3) Customer Lifecycle Management and Lifetime Value
(4) CRM Technology
(5) Operational CRM
(6) Analytical CRM
(7) Collaborative CRM
(8) CRM Project Management
(9) CRM Product Comparisons
(10) Case Study and Workshop

Through hands on practice and project management executives would
understand the applications of CRM
Upon completion, participants can also apply for examination 212-16 of
EC-Council (http://www.eccouncil.org), an independent worldwide
E-Commerce Organization. Students that pass can use the designation of
"E-Commerce Associate" certificate.


Please contact Institute at 27832818 or register directly at

Detail Information: http://business.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/scs/course/it/gc/mis/doc/071-189210-01?disp=en