degree is taught in conjunction with
the China Business Managers
Association (HK) to provide a
high-level, vocationally-oriented
program that gives students who are
already business professionals
sufficient theoretical and empirical
understanding to enable them to
identify and resolve business
challenges in both the private and
public sectors.It is a multi-city
taught program designed to give
candidates a global perspective.
Workshops will be held in a minimum
of 5 international cities over the 2
years of the course. Candidates will
be expected to participate in
workshops in at least 2 seperate
Course Structure
DB601 Business and Government
DB602 General Management
DB603 Competitive Strategy
DB604 Entrepreneurship
DB605 Human Resource Management
DB606 Marketing
DB607 Operations Management
DB608 Organizational Behaviour
DB609 Service Management
DB610 Performance Management
DB611 Thesis
This program is taught by the China
Bussiness Managers Association
The courses are administered by the
China Bussiness Managers Association
on behalf of St Clements University.
The China Bussiness Managers
Association is a Hong Kong based
organisation. The degree will be
issued by St Clements University.