Index of Science and Management is supported by our Research Institute, and originally developed by our advisor Rev George Lin, a scientist and Buddhist. This index is formulated using the rationale of accessing to Essential Science Indicators to get the institution's citations and cites per paper, the number of employees and the annual expenditure are obtained from institution’s websites. These data was calculated according to the formula: weighted academic level index, weighted academic performance index and weighted academic level performance index. Use the Global Technology Index to quantitatively assess the level of science and technology in countries  and Institution .
- Introduction to academic standard evaluation project
- World 4000 Best Institutes Weighted Academic Level Index WALIndex on all fields on March 2024.
- Global Scientific Index GSIndex on all fields on March 2024.
- Global Scientific Index GSIndex on Engineering on March 2024.
- Global Scientific Index GSIndex on Economics & Business on March 2024.
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